MeshCreative offers high-quality and cost-effective solutions for print, web and video projects. We pride ourselves on carefully crafted designs that stand out in today’s busy visual environments. We are a team of talented creative and strategic thinkers. We believe in helping clients build a clear message for the consumer that is consistent with their corporate image and identity. We do this by guiding the actions of each step, big or small, with the client through a process of collaboration. We eliminate the guesswork. As a result, we are more efficient and we deliver a design that commands loyalty and confidence from the consumer.
Why we're Green
Being sustainable has always been on our mind. But in 2022, we took our commitment to the next level by installing solar panels and converting from an ICE car to electric in order to reduce our carbon footprint and curb CO2 emissions. In addition, we follow everyday steps to reduce our waste by recycling and composting, and encouraging a landscape that attracts bees and increases biodiversity. Last but not least, —Because the Internet is a huge polluter of the environment— we recommend to our clients using a leading eco-friendly web hosting company that solely runs on renewable energy!